Friday, April 11, 2008

sometimes you just jump

The house wasn't a fresh layer of white. The trees and bushes were overgrown. There were weeds growing out of the porch and continued through the garden. Charlie walked along side of the chipping paint and admired the vines growing under the first story window. Moving closer to the window, she pulled a sleeve of her blue sweater down and used it to dust off a thick layer of dirt that rested on the glass. Charlie dusted off just enough to peer in and get a better look at her future. The house was dark, dusty, and needed a lot of work. It was perfect. From her window, she saw the beginning of the leaf covered staircase yearning for her hands to clean them and awaiting familiarity with her feet and her favorite pair of shoes. The fireplace, perfectly placed to the right of the window, also thirsted for her attention. It hungered for new wood and the surrounding room thirsted for the fire's orange glow. She could barely see the bench below the window sill, but she heard its longing for her. The bench would soon have the chance to memorize her. She imagined herself cuddling with the bench's pillows while she read.

Soaking in the future memory, Allen called her name, distracting her from the warmth of the house.
"Charlie!...Charlie, you will never believe this! Get over here!"
Charlie ran to the back of the house where she saw Allen standing on a wooden swing tied to the oldest tree in the yard. He jumped off the tree and met Charlie by the back door of the house.
"Charlie", he said heavily, "this house, this yard, these trees, so incredible...".
He looked around at the trees surrounding the forgotten house, he smiled as he thought about his future with Charlie, "Were you scopin out your new garden?".
Charlie laughed, "Yea, its gunna to take a lot of work, but I love the wildness of that garden. It reminds me of yours!"
Allen pulled Charlie in and gave her a huge hug. Kissing her on the forehead, he grabbed her hand and dashed back to the swing, "Come here, you've gotta check this out...".