Thursday, March 27, 2008

Puddle Jumper 01

She always gets the best ideas in the rain, maybe its the sound the rain makes as it hits the hard cement, or maybe its because everything seems to be quieter outside. She was wearing a hooded sweatshirt, but she refused to place the hood on her head as she walked. She likes the feeling rain drops fall on her face, and the way the rain makes her hair curl up in different places--making the use of her straightener this morning simply a waste of energy.

She looked around as people passed her by on the side walk..."Everyone's walking so fast", she thought. Like if they don't get out of the rain, their fate will be similar to the Wicked Witch that Dorthy threw water on. "I'm melting, I'm melting". She laughed a little to herself as she imagined the tiny women who just sped past her on the sidewalk, clinging to her umbrella, as the Wicked Witch of the West. She wondered what it would be like to be Dorthy...she never did have that dang dog when she was little to complete the look.

The closest she got to Dorthy was a Little Red Ridinghood costume her mother bought her for Halloween when she was 5, she never took the costume off--even while running through the sprinkler in her swimming suit, she had the hood on--, demanding always to play in the costume...

It's funny how girls and boys have different heroes. Little girls admire the Disney princesses and figures like Dorthy or Little Red Ridinghood while boys like the Heros. She was a tomboy growing up. Playing football with the boys, climbing trees, making forts, playing in the dirt, getting scratches or bruises then examining and comparing them later. She loved every minute of hanging with the boys and making up games...but secretly she admired the Disney princesses. Belle was her favorite. Belle was the only princess who knew sacrifice...sure the other ones sacrificed things too...but thats usually what they were...things. No, Belle, she knew real set her father free, she traded herself for him. And even after that she was able to help a man whose heart had grown cold to the world, melt his heart and teach him to love someone more than himself. Growing up she has grown to appreciate Belle for that. Belle shows that women too can be strong...but in the end, they still want romance and a stronger man to protect them and teach them....her thoughts were interrupted by a yell from a friend across the quad grass...she looked up and waved, watching her friend hide under his hood and into the library.
The rain was falling harder now, she looked up and saw the Wicked Witch of the West grasp the umbrella tighter. "Rain", she thought, "people act so different in the rain", she was then passed for the fifth time. Watching the people walk across the quad she noticed the almost robotic shifts in their path, following in the same footsteps as the person in front of them. She wondered if the way people walk in the rain is how people wish they could walk everyday...are we all avoiding the puddles?

She loved spring rain. Spring rain mean spring puddles. Last spring it rained so much the puddles remained days after the rain had stopped. The puddles were so big jumping in them became a game. Jumping in puddles has been transformed into an art. There is a specific science involved. If you jump right in with both feet...your shoes and jeans are going to be soaked! The trick is...jumping in that puddle with one foot after the other and giving each foot enough room to cause a splash. She has almost mastered this puddle jumping art, her jeans rarely get soaked to the knees anymore. She can't say the same for her converse shoes though, she never has been able to complete a puddle jumping adventure without getting them completely soaked.

When she arrived to the photography building she realized the Wicked Witch was the older women in her photography class and she was in no danger of melting in the rain. She greeted her classmate and ended her puddle jumping...that's when she realized her shoes and pants are soaking wet and her class is 3 1/2 hours long...

Purpose Statement

I created this blog as an outlet for my writing. I want this blog to be an outlet for creativity. I am hoping my ideas and thoughts matter to the reader...but if they don't, they matter to me. I want to be able to write freely and discuss whatever is on my mind...which means....*dun..dun...dun...*
You have now entered the mind of Tabatha....*women screams in the background, baby cries, and some guy yells..."oh crap...not that, anything but that!"*

Enjoy! :)